The happy baby pose or the ananda balasana is nothing but one of the easiest things to do in the yoga or exercise world if you get full support from your body. It’s the stretch that is also a part of Pilates. The happy baby pose is often included in both of these because of its calming effect on the body. Apart from the calming effect it also helps the body to be flexible with a lovely stretch and gives flexibility to it. Thus this pose is a combination of both yoga and Pilates which has so many benefits that it must be in your daily workout routine.
The happy baby pose is nothing but a very simple and gentle pose or asana which is highly soothing for the body. This helps in the relaxation of the body and helps in motivating it to work out but in a fun way. All one needs to do in this yoga pose is lie down on the back and roll from one side to another. The effects must be in your hands where you hold them while you are rolling from one side to the other. A pose that is meant for beginners and is so easy and relaxing to perform. You will learn in-depth on yoga and yoga poses by joining the best yoga school in Rishikesh.
- This pose is best for the lower portion of the body. Here the portion below the waist is the most focused and doing this asana releases all sorts of the problem from here. The stretch that this area gets while doing this yoga pose is something commendable.
- Makes the body much more flexible and mobile. This works pretty well at different joints and gives the body full movement. The rolling side and forth adds up to the flexibility and thus helps it to work in its best form.
- Stretches the hamstring so if you have any problem there practicing this to the extend your body can take will be very beneficial for you. Hamstring pains can be treated if the happy baby pose is done properly.
- This also gives a stretch to the inner thigh and the groin. Thus this can also be used as a warm-up pose before you start working.
- Helps in curing all sorts of back and hip errors or pain. This helps in treating this but in a very different and fun way.
- Fills the body with positivity because when you perform this pose the relaxation of the body is to the utmost. In a way cures all forms of negative energy and thoughts in the body reducing stress, anxiety, and pressure.
- This also helps in lowering the heart rate and treating problems related to the heart.
- Helps in treating all sorts of heart and respiratory problems.
- If you are tired and feeling fatigue practicing this pose will help you out. Here all you need to do is relax and turn from one side to another. The blood flow in the upper direction is very beneficial and thus reduces stress.
- Helps in all sorts of problems that are related to the spine and the spinal cord. Pain there can also be released worth the practice of this pose.
- Works on the triceps, biceps, and chest make these areas stronger and thus reduce any chance of getting injured.
- Can be highly beneficial for belly fat and treats that as well.
- Helps in treating digestion issues because of the pressure that it creates on it. All types of food are specifically digested if one is in regular practice.
- Activates the Sacral Chakra and the root chakra which again helps in reducing all sorts of negative thoughts and energy.
- Helps in curing neck, shoulder, and leg injury if there is any. Injuries are these parts are often treated using this asana.
- Helps in giving one pleasure and enjoyment because of the simplicity that it has.
Many yoga studios and yoga schools in Rishikesh teach this yoga asana in their beginner and intermediate level 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh and if you are an advance yoga practitioner then 300 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh is the best choice for you to excel in the yogic career.

- Women who are pregnant are not advised to perform this posture as it might be harmful. I the doctor has asked one to perform it then she can try the pose but with utmost care.
- Women who are menstruating are also not advised to perform it.
- People with heavy knee pain or injury of any form in and around the knee are again advised not to do it without supervision or the doctor’s advice.
- The pose is simple but that does not mean that one must take the entire thing very lightly. There must be calmness while one is performing the pose.
- People who have a healthy body and the joints and other body parts extremely tight should do this pose under the supervision of someone to avoid injuries.
- People with extremely tight thighs should again avoid this pose or should do this under the supervision of someone expert in this field.
- If you are having a neck injury kindly avoid this pose if otherwise not advised by the doctor. People having shoulder injuries should also avoid this pose because practicing this may be more harmful.
Thus these are some of the facts which one must know about the happy baby pose.